Whale Watching


Thank you to all of today’s challenge hosts!


Good day, fellow crafters. I still haven’t been able to make that beach trip I mentioned last week, sigh, It's an itch I can't scratch at the moment, but I'll continue crafting these cards to appease my longing. The process has been delightful, especially with reggae melodies playing softly in the background, serving as my muse. So, take a moment to unwind, let the soothing waves of inspiration envelop you, as we dive into crafting an enticing beach experience that will leave you yearning for more. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the journey!


*This project was completed using the Hero Arts June 2023 monthly subscription kit (MHP0623). At the time of this blog post they were sold out, but you can click here and ask to be notified when/if they come back in stock.

To create this card I first began with foreground. I chose to use the young boy, girl and dog stamps along with some black ink to stamp them with onto some Kraft colored cardstock. I wanted a nice sandy brown color and while this was the color that I wanted I needed to make it look more like sand, so using a fine point black pen I added dots through out to give the idea of larger particles of sand. I next took a brown alcohol marker and used it to create the shadows behind my figures. I then sat it aside to work on the midground.

For this stage I chose a piece of white cardstock that I divided into basically half with a piece of green tape. In the lower half I used the two water stamps along with Distress Oxide in the colors of Tumbled Glass, Broken China, Mermaid Lagoon and Prize Ribbon to create the ocean surface. The next step on this half was to add the sunlight stamp with some Distress Oxide in Squeezed Lemonade.

I next carefully adjusted the green tape so that I work on the top half which would be the background. For this step I first masked off where my sun would go then I used some of the lighter blue shades of the Distress Oxide to create the sky. I also used the Squeezed Lemonade again to capture the glow of the sun. I next removed the mask over the sun, ink blended again with the Squeezed Lemonade on another piece of cardstock to which I used a die from the kit to cut out a circle for the sun. I then mounted it to the background. I next removed the green tape and stamped my jumping whale and the birds flying in the sky that completed the theme. I also incorporated the sentiment at this point which was also part of this kit.

The last step was the assembly. The kit not only contains the water stamps but a die that allows you to create the edge of the incoming waves which I used to cut them out. To get this to line up with my beach I just overlapped the two pieces. The next step was to trim the combined elements to its final dimension as well as a dark blue mat for visual interest and then adhere them together and then down to a pre-cut A2 white card base.



Crafter and Chief

Forget-Me-Not Card Company

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Shell-ebrate Summer


Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge