Greetings fellow crafters. I wanted to share some information with you about the way my company works in an effort to be as transparent as possible.

First I would like to say that I purchase all of my own products and only use what interests me and that I like to personally use in my crafting procects. This is not to say that I am not open to sponsorships or products supplied to me by other individuals or companies. If that does occur it will be made known in my posts without exception. I will also not do negative reviews of a product or feature a product that I do not like.

Second I plan to add affilate programs in the near future. These programs will be pay me a commission when you purchase products through my blog, but at no additional cost to you. Just because I am an affiliate of any program does not mean I will feature a product I do not like, just as mentioned above.

Third, we would very much like for you to sign up on our front page to be notified when new features, products or services become available. Rest assured we DO NOT sell any personal data that this site will collect as part of any interaction or transacation.
